Knight & Dragon
Creators: Matt Gibbs (writer) & Bevis Musson (illustrator)
Colourist: Nathan Ashworth
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Luke Foster
ISBN: 978-1-4733-0851-0
Publisher: Improper Books
Twitter: @ImproperBooks
A wordless graphic novel, told solely through its illustrations and pictograms, Knight & Dragon offers the reader multiple paths and perspectives through its story, as well as different endings. Written for an all-ages audience, with emphasis on Young Readers, and devised to be accessible regardless of language or reading ability, Knight & Dragon is illustrated by Bevis Musson (Co-creator) and published by Improper Books.
Each narrative begins the same, with a beleaguered Knight riding his Horse into a seemingly deserted village, where the majority of the Villagers mistake him for a heroic warrior. Distracted by the beauty of the Maiden, before he really knows what he’s doing, the Knight agrees to fight a Dragon and, much to the Maiden’s evident dismay, the Village Chief offers the Knight her hand in marriage should he succeed. Learning too late from the Villagers that the Dragon is both huge and ferocious, the despondent Knight heads out to meet his fate, and at this point the stories diverge…